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Nitrogén-monoxid (NO) alkalmazása a nem gyógyuló sebek kezelésében, Prof. Dr. Daróczy Judit és Dr. Kulin Sándor, Sebkezelés, sebgyógyulás, Magyar Sebkezelő Társaság folyóirata, XIV.évfolyam,

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Therapeutic Implications, Volume 34: Nitric Oxide: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, And Therapeutic Implications (Advances in Pharmacology, Vol 34) by Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad, J. Thomas August, and M. W. Anders (Nov 6, 1995)

Nitric Oxide: Principles and Actions by Jack Lancaster Jr. (Aug 1, 1996)

Nitric Oxide and the Regulation of the Peripheral Circulation (Nitric Oxide in Biology and Medicine) by Philip J. Kadowitz and Dennis B. McNamara (Jan 15, 2000)

Nitric Oxide and the Cardiovascular System (Contemporary Cardiology) by Joseph Loscalzo and Joseph A. Vita (Mar 24, 2000)

Nitric Oxide and the Lung (Lung Biology in Health and Disease) by Warren M. Zapol (Oct 15, 1996)

Nitric Oxide in the Nervous System (Neuroscience Perspectives) by Stephen R. Vincent and Peter Jenner (May 15, 1995)

Nitric Oxide and Free Radicals in Peripheral Neurotransmission by Stanley Kalsner (Jun 16, 2000)

Nitric Oxide (NO) and Cancer: Prognosis, Prevention, and Therapy (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) by Benjamin Bonavida (Jun 17, 2010)

Nitric Oxide and Infection by Ferric C. Fang (Jun 1, 1999)

Functional Neuroanatomy of the Nitric Oxide System, Volume 17 (Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy) by H.W.M. Steinbusch, J. de Vente, and S.R. Vincent (Jul 14, 2000)

Endothelial Regulation of Vascular Tone by Una S. Ryan (Nov 27, 1991)

The Haemodynamic Effects of Nitric Oxide by Robert T. Mathie and Tudor M. Griffith (Aug 1999)

Pathophysiology and Clinical Applications of Nitric Oxide (Endothelial Cell Research) by Gabor M. Rubanyi (Jun 23, 1999)

Nitric Oxide, Volume 1 (Advances in Experimental Biology) by Bruno Tota and Barry Trimmer (Aug 31, 2007)

Nitric Oxide in Health and Disease (Biomedical Research Topics) by Jill Lincoln, Charles H. V. Hoyle, and Geoffrey Burnstock (Oct 13, 1997)

Nitric Oxide (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) by B. Mayer (May 19, 2000)

Nitric Oxide, Second Edition: Biology and Pathobiology by Louis J. Ignarro (Dec 1, 2009)

NO More Heart Disease: How Nitric Oxide Can Prevent--Even Reverse--Heart Disease and Strokes by Louis J. Ignarro (Jan 24, 2006)

The NO- therapy: theoretical aspects, clinical experience and the problem of the application of a exogenous nitrogen oxidein medicine. Edited by S.V.Gracheva, A.B.Shekhter, N.P.Kozlova. - M.: Publ. the house of " Russian vrach" , 2001. - 192 p. rn

Management on the application of an apparatus "PLASON" in the surgical practice. Edited by N.A.Efimenko. GIUV MO RF. M.: 2003-96 p. rn

Chernekhovskaya N.E. Contemporary technologies in the endoscopy. - M.: Russian medical academy of postdiplome formation, 2004. - 136 p. rn

Chernekhovskaya N.E., Fedorov T.A., Andreev V.G., Cyrils M.M. System pathology with the chronic obstructive disease of lungs. - M.: "The economy and information theory", 2005. - 192 p. rn

Lymphatic therapy in traumatology. Edited by the G.M.Kavalerskogo, Yu.E.Vyrenkova. - M.: MEDpress-Inform, 2005. - 135 p.rnrn

Vissza a tetejére

Plason Abstracts

Beneficial effect of gaseous nitric oxide on the healing of skin wounds. Anatoly B Shekhter, Vladimir A Serezhenkov, Tatiana G Rudenko, Alexander V Pekshev, Anatoly F Vanin. Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry / official journal of the Nitric Oxide Society. 2005. Jun;12(4): 210-9

An experimental substantiation of nitric-oxide containing gas flow in the treatment of eye traumas N B Chesnokova, R A Gundorova, O I Kvasha, V P Bakov, N G Davydova, O V Beznos, E P Stoliarova, S M Kasakian, O A Gorbacheva, A B Shekhter, A V Pekshev Vestnik , Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk. 2003(5): 40-4

Effects of gaseous flow containing nitric oxide on the eyeball structures (an experimental study) Gundarova RA, Chesnokova NB, Shekhter AB, Davydova NG, Pekshev AV, Kvasha OI, Beznos OV, Gorbacheva OA. Vestn Oftalmol. 2001 Jul-Aug;117(4):29-32.

Local application of low-energy aerial and argon plasma in the treatment of suppurative wounds and trophic ulcers V I Khrupkin, A V Zudilin, L V Pisarenko, A V Pekshev, A B Vagapov, Iu N Nastich, M S, Pokrovskaia. Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova. 2001;160(2): 39-45

Use of a new biological factor--exogenous nitric oxide--during surgical treatment of periodontitis Stomatologiia A S Grigor'ian, A I Grudianov, O A Frolova, Z P Antipova, A I Erokhin, A B Shekhter, A V Pekshev. 2001;80(1): 80-3

The use of air-plasma flows in military field surgery and disaster medicine E G Zhiliaev, V I Khrupkin, L A Marakhonich, B P Kudriavtsev, L V Pisarenko, A V, Pekshev, N A Sleptsov.; Voenno-meditsinskiĭ zhurnal. 1998 Jul;319(7): 55-62, 95

Use of physical plasma in surgery of wounds and wound complications V I Khrupkin, L V Pisarenko, S M Slostin, A V Pekshev, L N Bakunova, V A Piatenko.; Vestnik khirurgii imeni; I. I. Grekova. 1998;157(2): 43-7

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Plasma Abstracts

Nitric oxide metabolism in wounds
Schäffer MR, Tantry U, van Wesep RA, Barbul A.; Department of Surgery, Chirurgische Klinik, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany. PMID: 9271274; J Surg Res. 1997 Jul 15;71(1):25-31.

Nitric oxide in the healing wound: A time course study
Lee RH, Efron D, Tantry U, Barbul A.; Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland 21287, USA. PMID: 11676563; J Surg Res. 2001 Nov;101(1):104-8.

Role of nitric oxide in wound repair
Witte MB, Barbul A.; Department of Surgery, the Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, and the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, 21215, USA. PMID: 11975928, Am J Surg. 2002 Apr;183(4):406-12.

Nitric oxide drives skin repair: Novel functions of an established mediator
Frank S, Kämpfer H, Wetzler C, Pfeilschifter J.; Pharmazentrum Frankfurt, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main, Theodor-Stern-Kai, D- 60590 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.; PMID: 11849442; Kidney Int. 2002 Mar;61(3):882-8.

Biological fate and clinical iplications of arginine metabolism in tissue healing
Curran JN, Winter DC, Bouchier-Hayes D.; Department of Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. PMID: 16939563; Wound Repair Regen. 2006 Jul-Aug;14(4):376-86.

Arginnine metabolism in wounds
J. E. Albina, C. D. Mills, A. Barbul, C. E. Thirkill, W. L. Henry Jr, B. Mastrofrancesco and M. D. Caldwell; Department of Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence 02902., Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 254: E459-E467, 1988;

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1. Louis J. Ignarro - Nobel Lecture, December 8, 1998: Nitric Oxide: A Unique Endogenous Signaling Molecule in Vascular Biology From Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1996-2000, Editor Hans Jörnvall, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003 Pdf 1.16 MB Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1998

2. Fürst Zsuzsanna: Orvosi Nobel-díj – 1998. A nitrogén-monoxid
Természet Világa, 130. évf. 4. sz. 1999. április, 146–151. oldal

3. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor are a nitrosyl iron complexes with thiol ligands (Hypothesis). Anatoly F. Vanin, FEBS Lett. - 1991, - V.289, - ?.1-3.

4. Quantification of nitric oxide in biological systems by ESR spectroscopy. Alexander Mulsch, Piter I. Mordvincev, Anatoly F. Vanin. Neuroprotocols. - 1992. - v.1. - ?.165-173.

5. Experimental-clinical substantiation of the plasma-dynamic therapy of wounds by the oxide of nitrogen Schechter A.B., Kabisov R.K., Pekshev A.V. and other. the Experimental Biology Bulletin and medicine. - 1998, ? 8, p. 210-215.

6. The first experiment of the application of a exogenous NO- therapy for treating of postoperative wounds and beam reactions in oncologic patients Kabisov R.K., Sokolov V.V], Schechter A.B., Pekshev A.V., Maneylova M.V. Russian oncologic periodical. - 2000. - ?1- p.24-29.

7. Rolle exogenous NO- therapy in the system of the complex treatment of wounds and wound pathology in oncologic patients Kabisov R.K., Schechter A.B., Pekshev A.V., Reshetov I.V., Maneylova M.V., Nikolayev A.L.,[Erokhov S.V., Menenkov V.DRussian oncologic periodical. - 2000. - ?4- p.16-22.

8. The application of a air- plasma apparatus "Plason" in the regimes of coagulation and NO- therapy with the plastic-reconstruction operations in oncologic patients Reshetov I.V., Kabisov R.K., Schechter A.B., Pekshev A.V., Maneylova M.V. The annals of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetical surgery. - 2000. - ?4. - p.24-39.

9. The application of new wetware - the exogenous nitrogen oxide - during the surgical treatment of parodontit Grigoryan A.S., Grudyanov A.I., Frolov O.A., Antipov Z.P., Erokhin A.I., Schechter A.B., Pekshev A.V Stomatology. - 2001. - T.80. - ?1. - p.80-83.

10. The influence of the gas flow, which contains the nitrogen oxide, on the structures of eyeball (experimental study) Gundorova R.A., Chesnokova N.B., Schechter A.B., Davydov N.G., Pekshev A.V., Kvasha O.I., Noseless O.V., Gorbachev O.A. The Journal of Ophthalmology. - 2001. - ?4. - p. 29-32.

11. The therapy by the exogenous nitrogen oxide - new method of the stimulation of the healing of the trophic defects of the skin against the background of chronic venous insufficiency. Krotovskiy G.S., Pekshev A.V., Zudin A. Uchkin I.G., Mosesov A.G. Breast and cardiovascular surgery. - 2001. - ? 3. - p.37-42

12. Antioxidant capacity of mononitrosyl-iron-dithiocarbamate complexes: Implications for NO trapping A.F. Vanin, A. Huisman, Erik S.G. Stroes, Floriana deRuijter-Heijstek, Ton Rabelink, Ernst E. van Faassen. Free Rad. Biol.& Med. - 2001. - v.30. - ?.813-824.

13. The possibility and prospect for plasma endosurgery with the generation of the nitrogen mono-oxide with the operations on the womb and its appendages Davydov A.I., Strizhakov A.N., Pekshev A.V., Kuchukhidze S.T., Klindukhov[I.A Questions of gynecology, midwifery and perinatology. - 2002. - T.1. - ?2, p. .57-60.

14. The application of a exogenous NO- therapy for treating the hypertensive- ischemic ulcers of lower extremities Krylov A.YU., Shulutko A.M., Chirikova E.G., Osmanlis E.G. Russian medical periodical. - 2002. - ?2. - p.23-25.

15. The use of a gas flow, which contains the nitrogen oxide (NO- therapy) in the complex treatment of purulent wounds Lipatov K.V., Sopromadze M.A., Schechter A.B., Emelyanov A.YU., Grachev S.V.Surgery. - 2002. - ?2. - p.41-43.

16. Application of a exogenous nitrogen oxide in the treatment of the inflammatory diseases of the stomatopharynx Golubovskiy G.A., Saenger V.G., Nasedkin A.N. and other The herald of otorhinolaryngology. - 2003. - ? 11. - p.88-89.

17. The clinical estimation of the intra-operating application of a air- plasma flow, enriched by the nitrogen mono-oxide, with the operations on the womb and its appendages Davydov A.I., Kuchukhidze S.T., Schechter A.B., Khanin A.G., Pekshev A.V., Pancrats V.V. Questions of gynecology, midwifery and perinatology. - 2004, Vol. 3, ? 4, p. 12-17

18. Shekhter Beneficial effect of gaseous nitric oxide on the healing of skin wounds, A.B.; Serezhenkov, V.A.; Rudenko, T.G.; Pekshev, A.V.; Vanin, A.F. Nitri oxide: biology and chemistry - 2005. - V.12, - p.210-219.

19. Air- plasma flows and NO- therapy - the new technology in the clinical practice of military therapeutic and prophylactic establishments Efimenko N.A., Khrupkin V.I., Marakhonich L.A. and other Military medical periodical. - 2005, ? 5, p. 51-54

20. Nitric oxide as a mediator of relaxation of the corpus cavernosum in response to nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurotransmission.. Rajfer, J., Aronson, W.J., Bush, P.A., Dorey, F.J. and Ignarro, L.J. N. Engl. J. Med. 1992; 326: 90-94.

21. Nitric oxide inhibits neuronal nitric oxide synthase by interacting with the heme prosthetic group. Role of tetrahydrobiopterin in modulating the inhibitory action of nitric oxide.. Griscavage, JM Fukuto, JM Komori, Y Ignarro, LJ The Journal of biological chemistry. . 1994; 269(34): 21644-9.

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